Autumn Winter 2020 Collection

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Autumn Winter 2020/21

Large scale checks make a bold statement for beautiful blazers and striking suits in 100% wool separates for Autumn Winter. Contemporary and timeless designs of extra fine 100% Merino wool business suiting add a backbone of iconic John Foster cloths to the collection.

Twist suiting in a choice of clear cut finish with a crisp performance handle or a crushed finish achieving a softer, warmer winter touch are offered in executive checks. Partnering the collection are soft Alpaca flannels blended with wool and cashmere and a luxurious Super 130’s Cavalry Twill in a range of classic colours, cloths of true elegance.

A Super 160’s story in 2-ply and 4-ply, woven from fine micron into heavier weight fabric adds a touch of luxurious durability in clear cut and flannel cloths. Complementing the Autumn Winter collection is our signature vintage flannel bunch ‘Oxbridge Flannel’. Woven with a nostalgic reflection of John Foster heritage, Oxbridge incorporates designs and shades inspired by our extensive cloth archives. A stock-supported bunch crafted using a worsted-woollen hybrid and a traditional double mill finish offers a range of beautifully soft Super 120’s flannel cloths.